
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Come, Lets Brighten up a Sick Life with Flowers

Ubqari Magazine - May 2015

(Faiza Jamil, Islamabad)
During cough and throat diseases its juice is extracted and used. To strength hair, increase its growth and to make them silky and smooth, its oil is used. The oil available in market, which is used to dye hair jet-black, also contains these flowers.

Flowers, in their limited life span of life leave such a wonderful impact, worth cherishing. From blooming to dying away they flourish into different shapes and sizes. Their beauty essence and fragrance not only attracts humans but also birds and other living creatures that possess wings as they seduce them for their need of food. The botanists and doctors, when put their hands on the pulses of these flowers and petals, found them really productive and useful. Flowers not only make your life better when they're in their full form but are also pretty useful when dried out. Below mentioned are some of the flowers which are pretty useful.

Rose: Extremely beautiful flower. It has several kinds but the one used for medicinal purposes is 'Indian rose'. Its characteristics include, cure for constipation, strengthen muscles and are good for heart patients, and enhance brain and heart. Some doctors’ say, its intensity is hot, some say it’s cold and some think it's moderate. 

Gulkand (a mixture of petals and sugar): Petals of roses 1kg, Sugar 1kg, add them in an open bowl and mix them with bare hands. And then put it in the sun for 3-4 hours. Sugar would dissolve in it that way. Keep it safe and preserved in a glass or plastic jar.

Quantity of consumption:  2 tola with water or milk

Advantage: Cures constipation. Cures stomach issues. Makes stomach stronger, enhances mind and heart.

Gulkand with honey: Add 1kg rose petals into 500g honey. Mix them well and place them in the sun for 5-6hours. Keep it preserved in a jar for future use.

Rose Water: Rose petals and water are mixed in order to produce this solution. It enhances brain and heart; Improves heart beat and keeps it under control. if you're suffering from headache, add cinnamon into it and apply it on forehead. It cures. There are several ways to prepare rose water so kindly used the one prepared by a well known company.

Garhal flower: "Garhal" flower is available everywhere in the subcontinent. It is grown in lawns and orchids, even inside a house's lawn to add beauty. Its flowers are bright red colored and pointed. 

Characteristics: Enhances heart and supplies energy to it. It is used in medicines which improve immunity.............* missing paragraph

Tips to enhance hair beauty and make them dark silky and smooth: Petals of "garhal" flower 250g, sesame seed oil 500g. Add oil in pan, when it heats up on the fire, add petals of the flower. Cook it to such an extent that the petals start burning. Remove from the stove, cool it down and then use a strainer to strainer to strain it. Then add any fragrance into it and preserve it in a bottle for future use.

.......* missing part

Tips to enhance heart:  Take 15 flowers of "garhal" and pluck its petals and keep them safe in a small container. Add 150g clean water into it, lemon juice of 2 lemons, 2 spoons cura, 60g brown sugar now close it tightly and keep it in water for 24 hours. Later use a strainer and strain it, for use. It’s extremely delicious and enhances heart, makes it stronger.

Tips for enhancing immunity: Garhal flower petals 20g, brown sugar 50g, grind the two in a grinder and then make balls of the same size as a tennis ball. Let them dry in the sun for a while and then preserve them. Eat one daily every night before sleep with a glass of milk. 

Marigold: Widely grown throughout the country. Like Indian rose, its petals are also crushed in order to make a mixture called 'gulkand'.

Method of preparation: Brown sugar and flower petals in equal quantity. Mix them with bare hands and put them in the sun when they unite, put it in a plastic or glass jar and preserve it. It is suitable for heart diseases, piles. It's consumed with milk or labban.

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